Blitz Sonic Engine code
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Wow, I can't believe someone did this in Blitz3d! It looks as good as if SEGA made it. By the way release 8 is the stable one. Thanks.
cheers Mark. I think it goes to show how easy it is to create quality games with Blitz3D still up to this day and age.
By the way release 8 is the stable one.
I found the github repo first before the fan page. Is it all open sourced?
I wouldn't say easy but possible yes.
Ah no, it seems to be only release 9 on Github.
I wouldn't say easy but possible yes.
well I mean compared to other languages..
Ah no, it seems to be only release 9 on Github.
ok I thought so..
I'm looking forward to reading the source code, I don't mind if it has a few bugs. Thanks Syllenze!
Actually there is another source version here:
It seems to be release 5 but I can't find a version number so I'm not sure.
Nice. From what I have read way back, this fan made game was made to be opensourced from the start, but can't find any links as the group has different sites. perhaps git/github was not popular back then for hobbyist coders.
I cant get this to run. it just keeps saying Function Get_Active_Window not found
Function Get_Active_Window not found
seems to be user32.decls (Line 144) functions or a variation of it which might be missing from the download.
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