Perlin Noise Type

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This is a Perlin Noise implementation for 2D maps with linear interpolation and usage of 3 layers = altitude, temperature and humidity.

  • different outputs available (as a separate layers or a whole world map)
  • one function setup with easy to change parameters

Author: Badum

Updated by hardcoal


'           CLASS                          
'   main perlin noise class               
Type CPerlinNoise

    Field sizeX = 640
    Field sizeY = 480

    'first random noise table   
    Field noiseArr:Float[,] = New Float[sizeX, sizeY]
    'output table
    Field terrainArr:Float[,] = New Float[sizeX, sizeY]
    'output bitmap
    Field bitmapOut:TPixmap = TPixmap.Create(sizeX, sizeY, PF_RGBA8888)

    'frequency, the lower the larger terrains of same level 
    Field frequency:Float = 1.0
    'starting amplitude
    Field amplitude:Float = 1.0
    'change of amplitude of next octave
    Field persistance:Float = 0.6
    'number of octaves
    Field octaves = 8

    'min and max colors
    Field colMin:CColor = CColor.Create(0, 0, 0)
    Field colMax:CColor = CColor.Create(0, 0, 0)

    '    to init perlin noise values
    Method ChangeParams(fre:Float, amp:Float, pers:Float, oct)

        frequency = fre
        amplitude = amp
        persistance = pers
        octaves = oct

    End Method

    '       single field noise generation
    Method GetRandomNoise:Float(x:Float, y:Float)

        Local fre:Float = frequency
        Local amp:Float = amplitude
        Local finalValue:Float = 0.0

        For Local i = 0 To octaves
            finalValue = finalValue + LinearFIlterNoise(x * fre, y * fre) * amp
            fre = fre * 2.0
            amp = amp * persistance

        If(finalValue < - 1.0) finalValue = -1.0
        If(finalValue > 1.0) finalValue = 1.0

        finalValue = finalValue * 0.5 + 0.5

        Return finalValue

    End Method

    '      create output terrain array
    Method MakeTerrainMap()

        For Local x = 0 To sizeX - 1
            For Local y = 0 To sizeY - 1
                terrainArr[x, y] = GetRandomNoise(x, y)

    End Method

    '   process bitmap to file
    Method MakeBitmap()


        For Local x = 0 To sizeX - 1
            For Local y = 0 To sizeY - 1

                Local val:Float = terrainArr[x, y]
                Local R = colMax.R * val + colMin.R * (1 - val)
                Local G = colMax.G * val + colMin.G * (1 - val)
                Local B = colMax.B * val + colMin.B * (1 - val)

                SetColor(R, G, B)
                bitmapOut.WritePixel(x, y, $FF000000 + (R * $10000 + G * $100 + B))


    End Method

    '    perlin noise with linear interpolation
    Method LinearFilterNoise:Float(x:Float, y:Float)

        Local fractionX:Float = X - Int(X)
        Local fractionY:Float = Y - Int(Y)

        Local x1 = (Int(x) + sizeX) Mod sizeX
        Local y1 = (Int(y) + sizeY) Mod sizeY
        Local x2 = (Int(x) + sizeX - 1) Mod sizeX
        Local y2 = (Int(y) + sizeY - 1) Mod sizeY

        If(x1 < 0) x1 = x1 + sizeX
        If(x2 < 0) x2 = x2 + sizeX
        If(y1 < 0) y1 = y1 + sizeY
        If(y2 < 0) y2 = y2 + sizeY

        Local finVal:Float = 0

        finVal = finVal + fractionX * fractionY * noiseArr[x1, y1]
        finVal = finVal + fractionX * (1 - fractionY) * noiseArr[x1, y2]
        finVal = finVal + (1 - fractionX) * fractionY * noiseArr[x2, y1]
        finVal = finVal + (1 - fractionX) * (1 - fractionY) * noiseArr[x2, y2]

        Return finVal

    End Method

    '     to fill noise array with white noise
    Method InitNoise()

        noiseArr = New Float[sizeX, sizeY]
        For Local x = 0 To sizeX - 1
            For Local y = 0 To sizeY - 1
                noiseArr[x, y] = (RndFloat() - 0.5) * 2.0

    End Method

    Method terrainSinus(p:Float)

        For Local x = 0 To sizeX - 1
            For Local y = 0 To sizeY - 1

                Local md:Float = Sin(y * 180 / sizeY) * 2 - 1
                terrainArr[x, y] = md * p + terrainArr[x, y] * (1.0 - p)


    End Method

    '      start process
    Function Calculate()

        'create altitude map
        Local highMap:CPerlinNoise = New CPerlinNoise
        highMap.ChangeParams(0.02, 0.95, 0.6, 6)
        highMap.colMin = CColor.Create(0, 120, 0)
        highMap.colMax = CColor.Create(100, 220, 100)
        SavePixmapPNG(highMap.bitmapOut, "high1.png")

        'creat humitidy map
        Local humMap:CPerlinNoise = New CPerlinNoise
        humMap.ChangeParams(0.04, 0.99, 0.6, 6)
        humMap.colMin = CColor.Create(0, 0, 20)
        humMap.colMax = CColor.Create(0, 50, 120)
        SavePixmapPNG(humMap.bitmapOut, "high2.png")

        'create temperature map
        Local tempMap:CPerlinNoise = New CPerlinNoise
        tempMap.ChangeParams(0.04, 0.99, 0.6, 6)
        tempMap.colMin = CColor.Create(60, 0, 0)
        tempMap.colMax = CColor.Create(240, 0, 0)
        SavePixmapPNG(tempMap.bitmapOut, "high3.png")

        'generate additional world map
        GenerateWorldMap(highMap, humMap, tempMap)

    End Function

    '      generate simple world map
    Function GenerateWorldMap(highMap:CPerlinNoise,humMap:CPerlinNoise,tempMap:CPerlinNoise)

        Local pixies:TPixmap = TPixmap.Create(tempMap.sizeX, tempMap.sizeY, PF_RGBA8888)

        For Local x = 0 To tempMap.sizeX - 1
            For Local y = 0 To tempMap.sizeY - 1

                Local T:Float = tempMap.terrainArr[x, y] * 2 - 1.0
                Local H:Float = humMap.terrainArr[x, y] * 2 - 1.0
                Local A:Float = highMap.terrainArr[x, y] * 2 - 1.0

                Local R, G, B

                If(A < 0)
                    R = 0
                    G = 60 + A * 60
                    B = 120 + A * 100

                    R = 60 + A * 180
                    G = 60 + A * 180
                    B = 60 + A * 180

                    If(T >= 0)
                        G = G * (1.0 - T * 0.3)
                        B = B * (1.0 - T * 0.3)
                        R = R * (1.0 + T * 0.3)
                    End If

                    'high humidity
                    If(H >= 0)
                        R = R * (1.0 - H * 0.3)
                        B = B * (1.0 - H * 0.3)
                        G = G * (1.0 + H * 0.3)
                    End If

                End If

                'some final quantizations

                R = (R / 15) * 15
                G = (G / 15) * 15
                B = (B / 15) * 15

                pixies.WritePixel(x, y, $FF000000 + (R * $10000 + G * $100 + B))

        SavePixmapPNG(pixies, "worldMap.png")

    End Function

End Type

'           CLASS                  
'just simple class to help colors
Type CColor

    Field R = 0
    Field G = 0
    Field B = 0

    Function Create:CColor(r, g, b)
        Local aa:CColor = New CColor

        aa.R = r
        aa.g = g
        aa.b = b

        Return aa
    End Function

    Function Process:CColor(f:Long)
        Local aa:CColor = New CColor

        aa.R = f & $00FF0000
        aa.R = aa.R / $10000
        aa.G = f & $0000FF00
        aa.G = aa.G / $100
        aa.B = f & $000000FF        

        Return aa
    End Function

End Type


'some simple setup
SetGraphicsDriver(GLMax2DDriver ())
Graphics(640, 480, 0, 60)

'run perlin noise

Global img:TImage = LoadImage("worldMap.png")

SetColor(255, 255, 255)

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) And Not AppTerminate()


hardcoal commented:

Nice neat looking code..

hardcoal commented:

Where is the worldmap.png file?

Oh I get it. you need to run GenerateWorldMap first.. hmm wasnt included in the demo..

you should post the code perfecly mate ;) now i need to figure how to make it work.. :p

im still struggeling making it work..
For some reason it doesnt appear..

i assume its something with the graphic buffer

------------------------Ignore all the above part.. ^-----------------------------------------------------

OK the reason was is that there was not SetColor(255, 255, 255) at the end of the code..
you need to add it before the loop thats all


BlitzCoder commented:

OK the reason was is that there was not SetColor(255, 255, 255) at the end of the code..
you need to add it before the loop thats all

Thanks HC. It still worked without the SetColor, it is just saved on file and not displayed. On NG the source file needs to be saved first and not untitled.

Anyway, I have added your changes for enhancement which is good. cheers

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