Dota, Mobile Legends or MOBA Style Camera and Controls

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Basic camera point of view and point and click control for Dota, WarCraft, Mobile Legends, MOBA game style with terrain support (not flat).

Assets used can be found in the same folder as samples/mak/xfighter

Graphics3D 800, 600, 0, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
terr = LoadTerrain("hmap_1024.bmp")
ScaleEntity terr, 15, 450, 15
PositionEntity terr, -20*512, 0, -20*512
EntityPickMode terr, 2
tex1 = LoadTexture("coolgrass2.bmp", 1)
ScaleTexture tex1, 10, 10
tex2 = LoadTexture("lmap_256.bmp")
ScaleTexture tex2, TerrainSize(terr), TerrainSize(terr)
EntityTexture terr, tex1, 0, 0
EntityTexture terr, tex2, 0, 1
Global cam = CreateCamera()
PositionEntity cam, 500, 1500, -500,True
center = CreatePivot()
PointEntity cam, center
CameraRange cam, 10.0, 5000.0
l = CreateLight()
MoveEntity l,-50,50,50
PointEntity l,center
Global Char = CreateSphere()
ScaleEntity Char, 25, 25, 25  ; ---------- Radius of the sphere is "25" units.
EntityColor Char, 255, 0, 0
PositionEntity Char, 0.0, 1000.0, 0.0
TranslateEntity Char, 0.0, -1000.0, 0.0
Const CharSpeed# = 0.5

Local tempY#
MoveMouse GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2
mousespeed#       = 0.5
camerasmoothness# = 4.5
Global target
While Not KeyHit(1)
    LMBHit = MouseHit(1)
    mxs# = CurveValue(MouseXSpeed() * mousespeed, mxs, camerasmoothness)
    mys# = CurveValue(MouseYSpeed() * mousespeed, mys, camerasmoothness)
    camxa# = camxa - mxs Mod 360
    camya# = camya + mys
    If camya < -89 Then camya = -89
    If camya >  89 Then camya =  89
    MoveMouse GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2
    RotateEntity cam, camya, camxa, 0.0
    If LMBHit > 0 Then
        PickedMesh = CameraPick(cam, MouseX(), MouseY())
        If PickedMesh Then
            If target <> 0 Then FreeEntity target
            target = CreateSphere()
            ScaleEntity target, 25, 25, 25
            PositionEntity target, PickedX(), PickedY(), PickedZ()

    If target <> 0 Then
        If EntityDistance(Char, target) > 30.0 Then
            TurnEntity Char,0,DeltaYaw(Char,Target),0
            TFormPoint 0,0,CharSpeed, Char, 0
            tempY = TerrainY(terr,TFormedX(),TFormedY(),TFormedZ())
            PositionEntity Char,TFormedX(),(tempY+25),TFormedZ()
            PositionEntity Char,EntityX(Target,True),EntityY(Target,True)+25,EntityZ(target,True),True
            FreeEntity target
            target = 0



Function CurveValue#(newvalue#, oldvalue#, increments)
    If increments >  1 Then oldvalue# = oldvalue# - (oldvalue# - newvalue#) / increments
    If increments <= 1 Then oldvalue# = newvalue#
    Return oldvalue#
End Function

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