rounds a float value to 0.001 or more else it becomes 0

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the goal of this procedure is to get rid of all float values less than 0.001 so the e-004 or similar writing does not appear anymore which may cause errors in your code...

;rounds a float value to 0.001 or more else it becomes 0
;when you type/get 0.001, it stays 0.001, but when you type/get 0.0001 it becomes "1.0e-004"
;when you type/get "1.0e-004" it stays "1.0e-004", "but when you type 1.0e-003" it becomes 0.001
;the goal of this procedure is to get rid of all float values less than 0.001 so the e-004 or similar writing does not appear anymore which may cause errors in your code...

For i% = 1 To 100 Step 1
 F# = Rnd(0.0001,0.009) ;try with values between 0.0001 and 0.009, only the values of 0.001 or more should be kept
 RF# = RoundFloat(F) 


Function RoundFloat#(F#)
 FInt% = Int(F*1000)
 FRounded# = Float(FInt)/1000
 Return FRounded
End Function
RemiD commented:

how do you add the code code here ? i don't remember ?

BlitzCoder commented:

Thanks for sharing RemiD. I see you already have added it with tags. You can also check the code markup for the code formatting.

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