Draft Feature is now Available

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You can now save post as drafts to be posted later.


The checkbox option is available above the Submit button when you create a new topic.


More details and how to use:

  • Your available drafts is proportion to your total posts divided by 100. Example: 250 posts = 2 drafts, 300 = 3 drafts
  • The maximum drafts is currently limited to 10.
  • Tags are not available when you save it to Drafts. You need to post it live before adding tags.
  • Deleting drafts is not available. You need to finally post or publish it to empty and make room within your allowed drafts.
  • The option will not appear if you have used up and have pending drafts. Free up pending drafts, see draft deletion above.

To publish your draft, just click on the check button beside the draft topic in your Drafts page.


markcwm commented:

Gosh, very spiffy! Nice work Ron, is that our Christmas present?

BTW, have you any plans to remove the limit of one post per topic in 24 hours? It's a bit too restrictive for enthusiastic members.


BlitzCoder commented:

Cheers. Well something like that, but really I thought this would be handy when you have a few things or ideas to post ahead of time that you don't want to forget, the browser caching method works, but it's still limited to the device you are logged on.

In my case, I don't need to save text files or code snippets piling up in my desktop anymore. 😁 Thats goes the same with bb related articles and bookmarks.

BTW, have you any plans to remove the limit of one post per topic in 24 hours? It's a bit too restrictive for enthusiastic members.

Double posting rule is a standard forum etiquette nowadays, but there are proven ways and workaround in this forum to post multiple content like using the worklogs and then link from there.

I did mention it here at the last part which got buried somehow: https://www.blitzcoder.org/forum/topic.php?id=1367#6

If there are other cases in which double posting is justified, I will reconsider having this lifted or perhaps make it available on good standing or verified members.

With verified members it would be a good idea for a start.. so this should be lifted by tomorrow.

markcwm commented:

OK, yes I would just use a text file but never have any more than one at a time.

Yes, I see what you mean, it's not really intuitive but that would work. Verified members would be great though.

Thanks for the consideration.

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