2023 Roadmap

Attention! 👉Starting November 2024, BlitzCoder.org will now be BlitzBasic.org.



BlitzCoder Store
This has been set for the Blast3D site, but was thinking of having one here which would link or redirect to a member's itch.io, patreon or steam page

New Modern Theme
To make it more up-to-date. Web pages are also included.

Patreon Goals and Tiers
Planning to have this for Blitz3D beginners, perhaps adding a subforum for support or lounge.

..and will pick out other stuff from 2022 Roadmap

RemiD commented:

it would be good to have a private message functionality or a button to display the email address of those who agree, in case some member want to contact another.

BlitzCoder commented:

it would be good to have a private message functionality or a button to display the email address of those who agree, in case some member want to contact another.

Yes, this could be up for consideration or perhaps an alternate email aside from the signup email address or just social links like github, twitter etc.

BlitzCoder commented:

Blitz3D, BlitzPlus, BlitzMax and Monkey-X Downloads are now made public, so there is no need to create an account and log-in to download these tools.

At the same time, I might start adding a Last Login feature, sort member accounts and purge inactive accounts (no logins) within this year.

BlitzCoder commented:

There will be a new feature that will allow members with Level 4 (100 Posts) to Close or Archive their own topics.

This will be good if the thread becomes too long and will allow them to post a link in the last comment and continue with a new thread.

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