Cerberus-X on Ubuntu qmake error
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I'm finding it hard to build modules for Cerberus-X (and Monkey-X) on Ubuntu Linux, I'm using rebuildall.sh. Can someone point a beginner in the right direction? I have installed QT 5.9.x as specified in building.txt but still no joy. Here's my Cerberus-X build error. Thanks.
building launcher
TRANS cerberus compiler V2021-03-21
building ted
Unknown Qt SDK. Going with the default qmake.
Expect errors......
./rebuildall.sh: line 70: qmake: command not found
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
I fixed this by editing the rebuildall.sh path for Qt, qmake was there but it was looking in the wrong place.
I also had to install Qt from source to go back to v5.9.9 which Cerberus is tied to in some way.
Also, the IDE doesn't launch from the folder window because it doesn't use PIE, it can be launched from Terminal though. Trying compiler option "no-pie" didn't help.
It's cool to be able to run Vortex2 in Linux now! And I can run it from the folder window because it's not a GUI.
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