Earok's Monkey Demos
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A collection of four demos written in the Monkey language, including Monkey source code, pretranslated HTML5 versions (all platforms) and precompiled C++ versions (Windows only).
Author: Earok
Project Page: https://earok.net/game/earoks-monkey-demos
- Draw textured polygons demo.
- Super Mario Kart style Mode 7 demo.
- Six degrees of freedom demo.
- 3D Heightmapped terrain demo.
- Advanced Raycaster demo.
- Enhanced Joystick support. (HTML5 on Chrome, XNA, GLFW on Windows Only)
I agree.. quite into Pseudo 3D myself!
I tried to port the mode 7 mario into Blitmax mojo2 years ago.. got some traction, but it's kinda far from working.
Some of the demos are kinda outdated as there is a bug on the raycaster demo, possibly not compatible with the latest MonkeyX since these demos were release earlier.
9 degrees demo looks great.
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