Single Mesh using UV2 for Advanced Multi-texturing
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I noticed a lot of effects like this by fredborg rely on at least 2 meshes on top using copymesh and entity blending to achieve their results.
This is still a proof of concept and simple demo to use UV2 and masking to just use a single mesh to achieve the same effect.
; Multi-Mesh vs Single (using UV2) for Advanced Multi-texturing Capabilities
; By RonTek
Graphics3D 640,480,0,2
; Mask
size = 64
Global mask = CreateTexture(size,size,1+2)
ScaleTexture mask,.25,.25 ; let's do stripes
TextureBlend mask,3 ; inverts black to white for multiply
Color 255,255,255
For y = 0 To size-1
For x = 0 To size-1
If y = (size/2)-1 Then Color 0,0,0
Plot x,y
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Type MatMesh
Field mesh
Field submesh
End Type
CameraClsColor camera,100,150,250
RotateEntity light,45,45,0
cube1 = mat(CreateSphere(32))
cube2 = mat2(CreateSphere(32))
PositionEntity cube1,-2,0,5
PositionEntity cube2,2,0,5
Color 255,255,255
While Not KeyDown( 1 )
TurnEntity cube1,.5,.5,.5
TurnEntity cube2,.5,.5,.5
WireFrame KeyDown(17)
Text 10,FontHeight()*1,"Tris: "+TrisRendered()
Text 10,FontHeight()*2.5,"Left: Multi-Mesh"
Text 10,FontHeight()*4,"Right: Single Mesh (UV2)"
; Proof of Concept, Single Mesh using UV2
Function mat2(mesh)
EntityFX mesh,1
red = CreateTexture(2,2)
Color 255,0,0
Oval 0,0,2,2,1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
TextureCoords red,0 ; set to default UV1
EntityTexture mesh,red,0,0
yel = CreateTexture(2,2)
Color 255,255,0
Oval 0,0,2,2,1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
TextureCoords mask,1 ; now setting to UV2
EntityTexture mesh,mask,0,1
EntityTexture mesh,yel,0,2
Return mesh
End Function
; Old Method using another mesh (CopyMesh) on top with Blending
Function mat(mesh)
entity.MatMesh = New MatMesh
EntityFX mesh,1
entity\mesh = mesh
EntityColor entity\mesh,255,255,0
entity\submesh = CopyMesh(mesh,mesh)
;entity\submesh = CreateSphere(8,mesh) Lower resolution option
EntityFX entity\submesh,1
EntityColor entity\submesh,255,0,0
mask2 = mask
EntityBlend entity\submesh,2 ; multiply to hide white
EntityTexture entity\submesh,mask2
EntityFX entity\submesh,1
Return entity\mesh
End Function
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