UTF8 to String

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How to display UTF-8 Strings.

Framework brl.blitz 
Import brl.system 

Local Text:String = "おはよう世界!" 
Local array:Byte[Text.length] 

For Local i:Int = 0 Until Text.length 
   array[i] = Text[i] 

Local dec_text:String = TUTF8.utf8ToString(array) 

Local utf8_text:String 
For Local i:Int = 0 Until dec_text.length 
   Local res:Byte[] = TUTF8.fromInt(dec_text[i]) 
   For Local b:Int = EachIn res 

Notify Text 
Notify dec_text 
Notify utf8_text 

Type TUTF8 
   Function getlength:Int(i:Int) 
      Select True 
         Case i<$7f                  Return 1 
         Case i=>$7f And i<$7ff         Return 2 
         Case i=>$7ff And i<$ffff      Return 3 
         Case i=>$ffff And i<$1fffff      Return 4 
         Case i=>$1fffff And i<$3ffffff   Return 5 
         Case i=>$3ffffff And i<$7ffffff   Return 6 
      End Select 
   End Function 

   Function fromInt:Byte[](code:Int) 
      Local value:Byte[] 
      Local length:Int = getlength(code) 
      value = New Byte[length] 
      Select length 
         Case 1 
            value[0] = code 
         Case 2 
            value[0] = 192+(code/64) 
            value[1] = 128+(code Mod 64) 
         Case 3 
            value[0] = 224+(code/4096) 
            value[1] = 128+((code/64) Mod 64) 
            value[2] = 128+(code Mod 64) 
         Case 4 
            value[0] = 240+(code/262144) 
            value[1] = 128+((code/4096) Mod 64) 
            value[2] = 128+((code/64) Mod 64) 
            value[3] = 128+(code Mod 64) 
         Case 5 
            value[0] = 248+(code/16777216) 
            value[1] = 128+((code/262144) Mod 64) 
            value[2] = 128+((code/4096) Mod 64) 
            value[3] = 128+((code/64) Mod 64) 
            value[4] = 128+(code Mod 64) 
         Case 6 
            value[0] = 252+(code/1073741824) 
            value[1] = 128+((code/16777216) Mod 64) 
            value[2] = 128+((code/262144) Mod 64) 
            value[3] = 128+((code/4096) Mod 64) 
            value[4] = 128+((code/64) Mod 64) 
            value[5] = 128+(code Mod 64) 
      End Select 
      Return value 
   End Function  

   Function utf8ToString:String(_data:Byte[]) 
      Local length:Int,str:String,b:Int,x:Int 
      For Local i:Int = 0 Until _data.length 
         length = getlength(b) 
         If (i+length-1)>_data.length Exit 
         Select length 
            Case 1 
            Case 2 
               x=( ((b-192)*64) + (_data[i+1]-128) ) 
            Case 3 
               x=( ((b-224)*4096) + ((_data[i+1]-128)*64) + (_data[i+2]-128) ) 
            Case 4 
               x=( ((b-240)*262144) + ((_data[i+1]-128)*4096) + ((_data[i+2]-128)*64) + (_data[i+3]-128)) 
            Case 5 
               x=( ((b-248)*16777216) + ((_data[i+1]-128)*262144) + ((_data[i+2]-128)*4096) + ((_data[i+3]-128)*64) + (_data[i+4]-128)) 
            Case 6 
               x=( ((b-252)*1073741824) + ((_data[i+1]-128)*16777216) + ((_data[i+2]-128)*262144) + ((_data[i+3]-128)*4096) + ((_data[i+4]-128)*64) + (_data[i+5]-128)) 
         End Select 
      Return str 
   End Function  

End Type 

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