Blitz Toolbox / 3D Map Editors

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Tip: Add toolbox and 3d-map-editors as tags to your topic to share and post it in this category as tool or resource. The first line of your post will be automatically parsed as the description of your code archive entry with a maximum length of 120 characters. The first link provided will be parsed as the home page, code repository or website url at the index list. To add a custom icon, include a 80x36 size image in your post (jpg/gif/png only) otherwise a default icon will be displayed.
**Mapscape** is a simple free to use map creation tool made in Dark Basic. With light mapping and easy geometry manipula…

Beta release of my (LevelEditor) and own B3DX library include .bb file

Mergeator is a 3D Tile Editor and an application to connect points in 3 dimensional space and make tiles for 3d tile bas…

Blitz World Assembler is a tool for building outdoor and indoor worlds by placing meshes, shapes, and other object in a …

Modex editor is designed to create worlds or individual models for their subsequent use in the Blitz 3D language.

gile[s] is a global illumination / radiosity lightmapper, capable of rendering high resolution lightmaps fast and effici…

3D World Maker

Scream3D 2.0 is a development package for any programming language. It includes a 3D editor, a source code editor and a …

Blitz3D World Creator/Editor by Charrua

UVMapper Classic is a full featured texture mapping utility program. It will allow you to completely remap a Wavefront (…