Blitz Toolbox / Misc
Attention! 👉Starting November 2024, will now be
Tip: Add toolbox and miscellaneous as tags to your topic to share and post it in this category as tool or resource. The first line of your post will be automatically parsed as the description of your code archive entry with a maximum length of 120 characters. The first link provided will be parsed as the home page, code repository or website url at the index list. To add a custom icon, include a 80x36 size image in your post (jpg/gif/png only) otherwise a default icon will be displayed.
TextureWobbler is a freeware tool to produce animated Textures from a single static Texture. It is limited to things lik…
Cod2Doc is a documentation generator which parses Blitz Basic source files (Blitz 2D, Blitz Plus, Blitz 3D) and produces…
An Alternative [Particle Candy]( Editor.
Logger is a message logging userlib for Blitz. It is used for those list of messages in games such as a chat window / st…
H2testw allows you to test storage devices for one of a variety of possible defects or errors. It is particularly useful…